I'm a programmer and writer based in Oakland, CA. I'm interested in the contradictions of “living with technology” and the ways that language makes the world.
For WIRED, I recently wrote about the politics of Signal.
I'm interested in text editors and new interfaces for large language models.
In the tech world, I led the development of a platform for mathematical visualization for 5 years as a PhD candidate at Carnegie Mellon University. I co-led an indie redesign of Google Search that was featured in WIRED & VICE. I've also worked on neural network visualization at Google Brain, and used to do research in cryptography + programming languages.
In my creative practice, I co-produced an art book on critical AI & wrote about Silicon Valley and the English language as a fellow at the Center for Arts, Design + Social Research. I also co-produced a community toolkit for engaging with surveillance legislation, in collaboration with the ACLU of WA. In 2019, I was a resident at the Decelerator.
Feel free to say hello if any of the above resonates!